Департамент природных ресурсов Костромской обладминистрации напоминает любителям зимней рыбалки, что в ближайшие 50 дней оставлять себе всю извлеченную из лунки рыбу будет нельзя — на территории региона введен полный запрет на вылов налима, который будет действовать до 31 января
The main idea of the text is to inform Kostroma region fishermen that a complete ban on catching burbot (налим) has been imposed for the next 50 days until January 31st.
This ban is in place to protect burbot during their spawning season, ensuring they can successfully reproduce and maintain their population. Anglers caught breaking the ban risk facing hefty fines.
The main idea of the text is to inform Kostroma region fishermen that a complete ban on catching burbot (налим) has been imposed for the next 50 days until January 31st. This ban is in place to protect burbot during their spawning season, ensuring they can successfully reproduce and maintain their population. Anglers caught breaking the ban risk facing hefty fines.